Rooftop Cafe
Nov 10, 2021
There are many places you can get great views over Tokyo. A view from Tokyo Tower revealed this scene over a rooftop cafe. It’s design and structure just cannot be seen from the ground, and even when sitting there as a patron you prabaly don’t get a good feel for the whole.
Tower To Tower
May 05, 2021
Two of the most iconic sites in modern Tokyo linked by this line of sight. In normal times countless eyes on the viewing platforms of both towers cast gazes that cross over the buildings below as they wonder who is looking their way from the other Tower. This is a tiny area of the whole panorama visible from Tokyo Tower, and yet see what a variety of style and scale compete for ground.…
Looking down on Zojoji
Jan 20, 2021
The viewing platform at Tokyo Tower provides an excellent opportunity to look down on the magnificent Zojoji Temple complex. Taken at the end of 2020, and a few days before I was standing in the Temple on a subzero New Years Eve, this is a view from just before the world changed and the travel options we so much took for granted were taken away. The narrow road on the left is a familiar route for me, being my approach of choice to the iconic Tokyo Tower.…
Tokyo Prince Hotel
Sep 22, 2020
This hotel, seen here from Tokyo Tower, has the feel of another era that appeals to me. Built in time for the olympics way back in 1964, it still exudes a restrained elegance echoed by what I have seen second hand of its interior. Whenever I have walked past it or looked down on it as here, I think to myself, “One day we will stay there”. Sadly too many such buildings are being razed and rebuilt, or renovated beyond recall.…
Sports park with a view
Sep 13, 2019
The Shiba water Stations Park is a public park where kids can play football in the heart of urban Tokyo. What it must be to be able to play in the shadow of the iconic Tokyo Tower, from where this photograph was taken. One of the things I like about Tokyo are the many small oases of green scattered between the apartment blocks and business high-rises.
Wall Tiles
May 23, 2019
One of the more fascinating details of traditional Japanese buildings are their roof tiles. Often they are too high to get up close and really see the detail, but here, topping a section of wide wall around the Zojoji temple grounds near the Tokyo Tower, they are low enough to touch.