Blue Horizons
Aug 11, 2020
Looking south over Sumida and Koto wards from the Skytree on an almost cloudless April morning over countless homes and businesses all the way to the Tokyo Gate Bridge and Haneda Airport and the highrise cluster of Chuo City. It looks vast, and yet is still only a small slice of the whole of Tokyo. Below, in the long thin Sumida River Park where I had just walked, are chaperoned tribes of colourfully hatted kindergarten classes playing, and old men quietly fishing in a fragment of an old canal.…
Kinshi Park
Oct 27, 2019
Kinshi Park is a well maintained and interesting park area with a wide avenue of cherry trees running across it. The clocks and the childrens activity area especially caught my eye, but there are lots of unusual little things, like the tap, and the small, rounded, open sided cubes seen here.
Colourful Play Park
Sep 29, 2019
There are countless play areas for kids in Tokyo and often they appear in the most unusual locations. This one, however, is in a corner of the larger Kinshi Park in Sumida City. I love its bold bright colours and futuristic theme. Shame there were no children around to enjoy it that Tuesday morning.
Sports park with a view
Sep 13, 2019
The Shiba water Stations Park is a public park where kids can play football in the heart of urban Tokyo. What it must be to be able to play in the shadow of the iconic Tokyo Tower, from where this photograph was taken. One of the things I like about Tokyo are the many small oases of green scattered between the apartment blocks and business high-rises.
Sakura Waters
Sep 01, 2019
There is something almost overwhelming about the quantity of all things sakura in Tokyo. How can the most urban of cities find room for so many cherry trees? How can each tree put forth so many flowers? How can you not be awed at blizzards of pink petals in the air around you, and carpets of pink at your feet and in the city waterways. Here are a few petals on some still waters in the Sumida River Park.…
Dancers in the park
Jul 03, 2019
Tokyo has a wonderful array of public art, from tiny utility hole covers to, well, Godzilla sized pieces. I came across this slender and graceful piece in the small HamachÅ park beside the Sumida river during Hanami season.